Product Details

68739A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings

Brand Name Franke
Model Number 68739A
Min.Order Quantity 1 pcs
Price Negotiable

Product Features


68805A Franke Slewing Ring BearingsFillet Radius rb:1.00 mm; B:120.00 mm; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:550000 N; d:100.000 mm; Fillet Radius ra:3.00 mm; Oil Speed Rating n2:2200 rpm; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating C:449000 N; D:265.0000 mm; Grease Speed Rating n1:1600 rpm;
24 0841 01 Rollix Slewing Ring BearingsOil Speed Rating n2:9000 rpm; Fillet Radius ra:1.00 mm; Grease Speed Rating n1:7500 rpm; B:19.00 mm; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:7800 N; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating C:22900 N; D:85.0000 mm; d:45.000 mm;
68468A Franke Slewing Ring BearingsD_:22.225; Oil rpm:38000; DI_:11.931; SRIN:-0.015; hidYobi:FR6; yobi:FR6; LangID:1; B_:5.558; SRIX:0.015; C0:1.41; DA_:3.969; C:3.35; da:12.6; hidTable:ecat_NSESBIF; SRE:2.22; SREX:0.03; ra:0.4; C1:1.57; d:9.525; fo:12.8;
66178L Franke Slewing Ring BearingsSealed Speed Rating n3:8500 rpm; Oil Speed Rating n2:12000 rpm; B:25.40 mm; d:20.000 mm; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:20000 N; Grease Speed Rating n1:8500 rpm; Accessories:No Shield, no Seal; D:52.0000 mm; Fillet Radius ra:1.00 mm; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating C:23800 N;
7 1385 03 Rollix Slewing Ring BearingshidTable:ecat_NSCLDR; SBRG:23; DI_:58.5; d:45; yobi:NU2309ET7; db min:53; r:1.5; dc min:60; ra:1.5; C0:153; dd min:66; hidYobi:NU2309ET7; rb:1.5; mass:1.28; DE_:88.5; C_conv:137000; DA_:15; SDM_:73.5; KBRG:4142; da:53;
68605A Franke Slewing Ring BearingsOil Speed Rating n2:960 rpm; d:280.000 mm; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:2900000 N; Fillet Radius ra:5.00 mm; Fillet Radius rb:2.00 mm; Grease Speed Rating n1:780 rpm; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating C:1350000 N; B:216.00 mm; D:580.0000 mm;
1 2040 03 Rollix Slewing Ring BearingsAccessories:Shield & Seal; Grease Speed Rating Open/Shielded n1:4000 rpm; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating C:79300 N; Oil Speed Rating Open/Shielded n2:4800 rpm; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:65500 N; d:105.000 mm; Fillet Radius ra:2.00 mm; B:26.00 mm; Sealed Speed Rating n3:2400 rpm; D:160.0000 mm;
77242A Franke Slewing Ring Bearingsr1:0.6; rb:0.6; d:25; hidTable:ecat_NSCLDR; D_a max:47; DE_:45; TSR rpm:15000; D_b max:48; Z_:13; B_:15; Ew:45; DA_:6.5; KBRG:4124; C_conv:18800; Oil rpm:16000; hidYobi:NF205M; ra:1; LangID:1; mass:0.159; SBRG:2;
75013A Franke Slewing Ring BearingsGrease Speed Rating n1:18000 rpm; Fillet Radius ra:0.64 mm; Oil Speed Rating n2:29000 rpm; d:40.000 mm; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:23200 N; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating C:22900 N; Fillet Radius rb:0.15 mm; D:62.0000 mm; B:24.00 mm;
68727A Franke Slewing Ring BearingsDimension A1:1.1875 in; Weight W:0.62 lb; Dimension L:2.7500 in; Diameter N:0.2969 in; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:1750 lbf; Insert Bearing IB:ZMaRC; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating:3150 lbf; Dimension A2:0.5938 in; Dimension DA:2.5000 in; Height H:4.8750 in; Shaft Diameter D:1 in; Distance J:3.9063 in; Height T:1.5313 in;
2 2022 Rollix Slewing Ring BearingsZ_:12; GRS rpm:1600; SDM_:219.982; SRI:24.76; d:140; C0:670; mass:42.8; ALPHA_:30; D_:300; 2B_:124; B_:62; Prod_Type3:ACBB_SR_MM_DF; db:158; ra:3; hidYobi:7328ADF; KBRG:7224; rb:3; C:490; ao:65; yobi:7328ADF;
68649A Franke Slewing Ring Bearingsda:26; D_b:42; DE_:41.485; r1:0.6; ALPHA_:30; yobi:7204AWDB; C_conv:23500; rb:0.6; ra:1; DA_:7.938; SDM_:33.498; hidTable:ecat_NSANGB; GRS rpm:11000; C0:16.6; hidYobi:7204AWDB; SBRG:2; d:20; ao:33.3; Z_:11; SRE:4.13;
6 2810 09 Rollix Slewing Ring BearingsSRI:7.43; D_:100; GRS rpm:8500; ALP21:15; mass:1.376; LangID:1; r:1.5; 2B_:42; fo:14.5; D_b:94; m0:0.572; yobi:7211CDB; SREX:0.065; SRIX:0.065; Z_:14; DE_:91.741; ALPHA_:15; DA_:14.288; d:55; hidTable:ecat_NSANGB;
38 1091 01 Rollix Slewing Ring BearingsC0:254; DI_:114.446; SDM_:139.884; r:2.1; 2B_:68; Prod_Type3:ACBB_SR_MM_DT; SRE:13.21; C:242; SRIX:0.1; D_:180; DE_:165.322; DA_:25.4; D_a:168; m0:1.02; GRS rpm:4500; ALPHA_:15; C_conv:242000; mass:7.3; fo:14.5; da:112;



68510AFranke0.3 - - - - - - -
32 0941 01Rollix - 140.0000 mm - - - - - 44.40 mm
1 213Rollix1.5 - - 58.5 - - - -
68967AFranke1.5 - - - - - - -
2 105Rollix - 90.0000 mm - - - - - 26.00 mm
66146LFranke - 42.0000 mm - - - - - 19.1 mm
26 1091 01Rollix - 210.0000 mm - - - - - 104.00 mm
1 118Rollix - - - 113 - - - -
1 141Rollix - 220.0000 mm - - - - - 72.00 mm
68747AFranke1.5 - - - - - - -
68803AFranke0.3 - - - - - - -
73051LFranke - - - - - - - -
2 1715Rollix0.3 - - - - - - -
68961AFranke1.1 - - - - - - -
66388LFranke1.1 - - 35.5 - - - -
68560AFranke - - - 2.49 - - - -
77252AFranke4 - - 550 - - - -
75039AFranke - - - - - - - -
77270AFranke1.5 - - 143 - - - -
75010AFranke - - - 40 - 35.2 - -
2 1225Rollix - 72.0000 mm - - - - - 17.00 mm
66152LFranke - - - 355 - - - -


68739A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings Video


#68739a Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints - Encycolorpedia

The hexadecimal color code #68739a is a shade of blue. In the RGB color model #68739a is comprised of 40.78% red, 45.1% green and 60.39% blue. In the HSL color ...

#68739a Color Hex

#68739a color RGB value is (104,115,154). #68739a hex color red value is 104, green value is 115 and the blue value of its RGB is 154.

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